Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Amanda White- Anything is Possible!

Amanda White

Anything is Possible!

November 1-30, 2007.
She Said Boom! Window Space

372 College Street


In this series of paintings, the subjects are advertisements from the back pages of old comic books. Painted with acrylic on raw canvas, the paintings themselves are meant to resemble cheap throwaway newsprint ads, and are hung in such a way to achieve that effect. Each image is enlarged considerably from its original size, revealing the fine print of the ads that were often full of misleading or false claims. Essentially the marketing for these products relied on the gullibility of children, and their belief that anything IS possible. Although the items themselves would likely result in disappointment for their consumers, I see the ideas that these ads propose as valuable in their own right.

Amanda White studied Drawing and Painting at OCAD, Art History at the University of British Columbia, and Scenic Painting for the Theatre at the Banff Centre for the Arts. She divides her time between painting, teaching and working in theatre. You can find her website at http://www.zhibit.org/amandini

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